Money-Saving Tips for Young Adults on Groceries

Grocery shopping is a necessary expense for young adults, but it doesn't have to break the bank! There are plenty of ways to save money on groceries without sacrificing your dietary preferences or nutritional needs.

In this blog post, we'll provide money-saving tips for young adults to help them save money on groceries. By following these tips, you can be sure to stick to a budget and still have enough money for other expenses.

Money-Saving Tips for Young Adults on Groceries

Create a Budget for Groceries

One of the most effective ways to save money on groceries is to create a budget. Without a budget, it's easy to overspend on food, especially when you're trying to stock up on healthy options.

To start, take a look at your monthly income and expenses and determine how much you can realistically afford to spend on groceries. Once you have a number in mind, try to stick to it as closely as possible.

A budget can also help you prioritize your spending and make more informed choices about what you're buying. For example, you may decide to invest in high-quality meat or produce rather than splurging on fancy packaged snacks. With a clear idea of how much you can spend, you'll be able to make smart choices that help you save money over time.

Creating a budget may sound daunting, but it's quite simple. 

You can use a budgeting app or online tool to help you track your spending and stay on track. Additionally, consider setting a weekly or monthly spending limit for groceries. You'll be amazed at how much money you can save by being more mindful about your food spending!

Plan Your Meals

Planning your meals is an essential step to saving money on groceries. When you plan your meals, you know exactly what ingredients you need, and you can avoid making impulse purchases at the store.

Here are some tips for meal planning:

  • Create a weekly meal plan: Plan your meals for the week ahead, including breakfast, lunch, and dinner. Consider how many servings you need and any leftovers that can be used for future meals.
  • Check your pantry and fridge: Before planning your meals, take stock of what you already have in your pantry and fridge. This can help you use up ingredients before they go bad and avoid buying duplicates.
  • Use online resources: Many websites and apps can help you plan your meals. Some even allow you to input the ingredients you have on hand, and they'll suggest recipes based on what you already have.
  • Focus on seasonal ingredients: Seasonal ingredients tend to be cheaper and fresher. Plan your meals around what's in season, and you'll save money.
  • Cook in batches: Cooking in batches can save you time and money. Make a large pot of soup or chili, and you'll have meals for several days.
  • Don't be afraid to repeat meals: Eating the same thing a few times a week is okay. It's cheaper to buy ingredients in bulk, and you can use them for multiple meals.

How Much Do People Spend on Groceries Each Month? 

How Much Do People Spend on Groceries Each Month

It can be helpful to know how much other people typically spend on groceries each month to set your budget. Here are some average numbers to keep in mind:

  • According to the Bureau of Labor Statistics, the average household spent around $323 per month on food at home in 2019.

  • However, this number can vary greatly depending on factors such as location, family size, and income level.

  • A survey by the Food Marketing Institute found that young adults aged 18-24 spend an average of $150 per month on groceries.

  • This same survey found that millennials (ages 25-34) spend an average of $239 per month on groceries.

  • It's important to note that these averages are just guidelines and may not reflect your personal needs and budget. Use them as a starting point for determining how much you should aim to spend on groceries each month.

Use Coupons and Discount Codes

Coupons and discount codes are an excellent way to save money on your groceries. You can find them in newspapers, flyers, and even online. Don't shy away from using them because you feel embarrassed or believe it's not worth the hassle.

Take advantage of these deals to cut your grocery bills down and make your hard-earned money go further. Also, check if your local store offers loyalty cards or reward programs, as they can provide additional discounts on top of coupon savings.

Buy Generic Brands

One of the easiest ways to save money on groceries is to opt for generic or store-brand products instead of name brands. These products are often just as good in quality and taste as their more expensive counterparts but at a fraction of the cost. Here are some tips for buying generic brands:

  • Compare Prices: Compare the prices of generic and name-brand products to determine which is more cost-effective.
  • Check the Ingredients: Check the ingredients on the label to ensure that the generic product is similar in quality and taste to the name-brand product.
  • Look for Sales: Many stores offer discounts on generic products, so be sure to keep an eye out for sales.
  • Try Before You Buy: Experiment with different generic products to find the ones that you like Don't Be Afraid to Mix and Match: If you prefer a name-brand product for one item, but can save money on another item by buying a generic brand, don't hesitate to mix and match.

Buy in Bulk

One great way to save money on groceries is to buy in bulk. Buying items in bulk often means a lower price per unit, which can add up over time. Look for items such as grains, rice, pasta, and canned goods that have a longer shelf life.

Don't forget to compare prices between buying in bulk and buying smaller portions, to ensure that you're getting a deal. It's important to only buy what you need and to have space to store your bulk purchases.

Avoid Pre-Packaged or Convenience Foods

When it comes to saving money on groceries, avoiding pre-packaged or convenience foods can be a game-changer. Here are some reasons why:

  • Convenience comes at a cost: Pre-packaged and convenience foods often cost more than making a meal from scratch.
  • Hidden costs: Convenience foods often contain extra additives, preservatives, and unhealthy ingredients that can increase the cost of healthcare in the long run.
  • Make more for less: By buying raw ingredients and making meals from scratch, you can get more food for your money.

Here are some tips for avoiding pre-packaged or convenience foods:

  • Cook at home: By cooking your meals, you have control over the ingredients and can save money in the process.

  • Plan: Plan your meals for the week and buy the necessary ingredients. This can help you avoid last-minute trips to the store where you may be tempted to buy convenience foods.

  • Opt for whole foods: Choose whole foods like fresh produce, meat, and grains instead of pre-packaged or processed foods. This will not only save you money but can also be better for your health.

  • Try meal prepping: Spend a few hours on the weekend prepping meals for the week. This will save you time during the week and help you avoid convenience foods.

By avoiding pre-packaged or convenience foods, you can save money on your grocery bill while also eating healthier and feeling better overall.

Shop at Discount Stores

If you're looking for great deals on groceries, discount stores can be a great option. Stores like Aldi, Lidl, and Walmart often have lower prices on basic items than other grocery stores. However, you may not find all the brands and varieties you are used to. 

Do your research and compare prices to make sure you are getting the best deals. Keep in mind that discount stores may not always have the freshest produce or meats, so be sure to check expiration dates and quality.

Bring a Grocery List and Stick to It

One of the most common reasons why young adults overspend on groceries is because they shop without a list. When you don't have a plan, it's simple to become distracted by sales items and impulse purchases. Bringing a grocery list can help you stay on track and avoid overspending.

Here are some tips for creating a grocery list and sticking to it:

  • Make a list of everything you need before you go to the store. You can use an app or a paper list, whichever works best for you.

  • Organize your list by categories, such as produce, dairy, meat, and pantry staples.

  • Stick to your list as much as possible. Don't add extra items unless it's something you need.

  • Don't forget to check your pantry and fridge before you go shopping. This will help you avoid buying duplicate items or items that you don't need.

  • Be realistic with your list. Don't buy more than you can consume in a week or two. This can lead to wasted food and money.

By bringing a grocery list and sticking to it, you can avoid impulse buys and overspending on groceries. Plus, you'll be more organized and efficient when you're shopping, which can save you time as well as money.

Don't Shop on an Empty Stomach

Have you ever gone grocery shopping when you're feeling really hungry? Chances are, you ended up buying more than you needed and spending more than you intended. Here are a few reasons why you should avoid shopping on an empty stomach:

  • You'll be more tempted by junk food and snacks: When you're hungry, you'll be more likely to crave foods that are high in sugar, fat, and salt. These foods are often more expensive than healthier options, and can quickly add up in your grocery cart.

  • You'll buy more than you need: Hunger can also lead to overbuying. You may pick up more items than you really need, just because you're feeling hungry and want to stock up.

  • You'll make impulsive decisions: Shopping while hungry can make you more impulsive. You may grab items that are on sale, even if you don't need them. Or you may buy items that are new and exciting, without really thinking about how you'll use them in your meals.

To avoid these pitfalls, make sure to eat a healthy meal or snack before heading to the grocery store. This will help you make smarter decisions, and avoid overspending on items you don't need. If you do feel hungry while shopping, stick to healthy snacks like fruit or nuts, rather than sugary or salty snacks. By taking control of your hunger, you can save money and make better choices at the grocery store.


Saving money on groceries can be a challenge, but it's essential for young adults who want to budget their expenses. Creating a grocery budget, planning meals, and utilising coupons are just a few of the many ways to cut down on costs. Choosing generic brands, buying in bulk, and shopping at discount stores can also help stretch your dollars further.

Remember to stick to your list and avoid shopping on an empty stomach. With these tips, young adults can save money on groceries without sacrificing the quality and variety of their meals.

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